Minus van Baalen


April 2, 2004
Added a page with my correlation dynamics packages for those who want to risk it...
March 21, 2004
Maintenance, various small changes
May 19, 2003
Major overhaul of the structure of my web-pages. Some of the stuff I kept on my university pages (here) I have moved to my wanadoo webspace, most notably my space invader collection and some picture galleries.
May 11, 2003
Just came back from a visit to Oberwolfach where I took some pictures.
April 28, 2003
Due to my moving to the ENS site of the lab (and to a different subnet) I no longer have easy access to my webpages who are still in the Jussieu server. Updates will be late and infrequent until I find another solution.
January 20, 2003
To give my pages some color I added some simple coloured geometrical shapes. Don't ask me what they mean.
December 14
I decided to remove the images of cartoon cats that adorned my pages but I've given them a refuge of their own. I may put something else in their place, but I haven't decided yet.
November 28
Added a page with links to some of the stranger web pages that I encountered
October 11
Many web sites tend to become over-developed. Out of frustration that Le Monde and NRC-Handelsblad have become practically unconsultable I decided to add a page airing the qualities of competing news sources. It's all I can do...
July 26
I decided to copy Andrew Yool's idea of filling a links page with logo's and letting the browser decide where to place them. (Have a look at Andrew's thoughts about bandwidth too!)
June 14
Currently staying in a bed & breakfast in Edinburgh.
May 13
Added an external javascript to print the last-modified date, copied (with modifications) from w3schools.
April 24
Added a page with some of the results on the evolution of communication and how to build a Tower of Babel.
February 25
I often listen to classical music on the webradio. Their websites are not very modest, however, so I've added a page with links to some of the stations I often listen to.
February 20
Updated the papers section.
January 2002
Started adding a couple of pages for the Eco-Evolutionary Mathematics team I am part of.
October 29-December 14
I'm staying at the Isaac Newton Institute in Cambridge and I've added a couple of pages with some of the pictures I've taken.
Due to virus problems, the university blocks http access to computers at the university network, so my dear "witlof" got cut off from the network. I was given an account on the university's official webserver to put my pages on. I had to move my pages, and discovered that their webserver makes distinction between upper and lower case in filenames and URLs... So I had to check all my links, and certainly some dangles have still escaped detection.
August 22
Is the campus Jussieu really so old?
July 19
A mite of world news!
Quatorze Juillet
There it is... My site is invaded!
July 12
Bought a cheap digital camera... Updated the directions for finding me... Added a page with my collection of space invaders.
July 6
Started implementing Link tags; only works with some browsers.
June 12
Updated reference list; various small changes & corrections
May 11
Added the introduction of my thesis to the site.
April 26
Added a caveat explaining philosophy underlying the design of my pages.
Updated research interests and bibliography.
Copied my original (and probably still official) home page to witlof and started modifying (spending far too much time on it).
March 2001
Received my new desktop computer (which actually is sitting under my desk) and called it "witlof" which means chicory in Dutch.

Updated by myself.